Editorial Design
Typefaces, leading, kerning, grids, visual hierarchy—editorial design is my absolute favorite. The interplay between imagery and typography gets me FIRED UP (keeping it PG here). Below is a collection of miscellaneous editorial designs and spreads.
As the Design Chief of The Daily Nebraskan, I redesigned the semiweekly student publication. With a new identity system and typographic flag, the DN nods to classic newspaper design while maintaining a fresh palette. Working under tight deadlines, I prepared and sent each unique issue to print twice a week.
When The Daily Nebraskan Editorial Board voted to change the newspaper to monthly magazine, I redesigned and branded as the Senior Print Design Editor. With a completely new identity system, The DN is revamped for the modern collegiate reader with a taste for a crisp and timeless design aesthetic.
The written content within Anthology was acquired from the New York Times and rearranged to display a common tone. Exploring the ideas of loneliness, depression and pain, each article is paired with symbolic representative imagery. The printed edition has tracing paper between each title section page to differentiate the chapters as well as add to the ghostly feel of the publication